
An LGBTQ Science Fiction & Fantasy podcast

Month: January 2019

Episode #65 — “A Memory of Wind” by Susan Jane Bigelow

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Episode 65 is part of the Spring 2018 issue!

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A Memory of Wind

Susan Jane Bigelow


Yeni looked up at the right time, just for a single moment, and she saw a girl fly past far overhead.

No one else in the wide dome of Center Garden, the bustling, cavernous heart of the greatship, noticed. Yeni had to run to catch up with her mother, who walked a few steps ahead.

“Did you see?” she demanded. “A flying girl!”

“Don’t lie,” her mother said tiredly.


[Full story after the cut.]

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Episode #64 — “Sabuyashi Flies” by Sebastian Strange

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Episode 64 is a GLITTERSHIP ORIGINAL and is part of the Spring 2018 issue!

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Sabuyashi Flies
by Sebastian Strange

Sofie Faucher advertised her solution to the age-old magic problem well. I can still remember the first night I stepped out of Ellen’s dorm building, late, and looked up to see one of Faucher’s billboards; a crisp square of white and silver against the darkest, featuring Faucher’s trim torso and winning smile. Her large dark eyes were fixed on the future, somewhere behind me and much higher up, and her hands clasped a glass pitcher full of shimmering silver.

NOBODY HAS TO DIE was written across the bottom. FAUCHER’S SPARK.

[Full story after the cut.]

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Episode #63 — “Gravedigging” by Sarah Goldman

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Episode 63 is part of the Spring 2018 issue!

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by Sarah Goldman


When I woke up, I noticed first that Clarissa was there, because she was always the first thing I noticed.

I noticed three things immediately after that: it was dark, I could feel dirt under my fingers, and my mouth tasted disgusting, like charcoal and rubbing alcohol and cotton.

“What the fuck?” is what I tried to say, except I don’t think the words came out quite right. I started coughing and I couldn’t stop.

“Just give it a second,” Clarissa said, rubbing my back. I got a good look at her once the coughing subsided and my eyes stopped watering, and she looked like she’d been run over by a truck a few times: dark circles, greasy hair, unwashed skin. Clarissa always tried to look as put together as people expected her to be. I’d seen her look this messed up once or twice before, and it never meant anything good.


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